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Dealing with Dragons free
The Original
VERSE entangled
Scarves of alien colour frame
the entreaty of a face,
eyes dark quizzical, fresh skin smooth,
so far unconquered by her trade,
she occupies the highest point.
Crouched tight for warmth and effect
on this bitter Trondheim day,
what does she think
of the parade of giants pounding by?
Each too tall to bend our necks we
proprietors find refuge in whatever lies ahead.
With accusations of neglect
we buy our measured pace,
negotiate safe passage.
Her plastic cup is empty
even when full of coin:
a daughter, wife, a chattel she
pays duty every day.
Oh she will not move with the accordion trill,
nor smile as down on the quay
fingers prod and squeeze and goad
giants to break their pace
and dance with a different tune.
No matter the wandering melodies,
and histories of love,
his unbroken rhythm marks the time
in the music of her life.
Note - Solsiden pron:
Sol - seed -en
kim joar altered - flickr
Song for a Distant Love
Will you let me love you from afar?
And will you let me live my life
As one who'll pledge, for your regard,
To ever soften in your gaze?
And offer days of laughter, when
And where we meet,
You'll link my arm and kiss my cheek;
My jealous lips, too shy to speak,
Will tell you tales and sing you songs
To make you smile,
And all the while my guarded words
Desire release.
They are not free, I am not free:
One love cannot another still,
No pledge should e'er be broken.
Must that deny the truth, distant love,
That though I'll never hold you close,
I'll ever hold you dear?
Must that deny a constant love
That longs to hold you ever close
But cannot hold you near?
Martini dragged me through the early hours,
A double gin and just one more
Sank me deeper in the night.
The Schubert strings were sad enough
To match the sorry state I'm in,
And all for feelings un-requite!
She likes me well enough I know:
She'll share a meal, and share a laugh,
But when we're done, it's time to go,
All tender hopes are put to flight.
So much chat, so much drivel
Keep unsaid three simple words,
She must have thought me mad or tight.
I drove in circles, lost my way,
To keep her minutes more
A reach away, a touch away,
In my car, to bless my sight.
But I could never find a door
That opened would reveal my heart;
She quickly left me to my dreams,
A friendly peck to say goodnight
My only joy:
My only joy before the gin,
With grinning strength,
Drowned me deeper in my cups,
Sank me deeper in the night.
Poetry's the Pits
Life's a bitch
Emotion's worse
And poetry's the pits.
It's full of thees
And full of thous
And never talks about the writs
Or those decrees
That finalize
But make no mention of the loot
To be divided
When you're parted:
Nisi and then Absolute.
No, poetry's
About the thrill,
The urge, the tears, the clamour;
It serves to aid
The charm of love
And emphasize the glamour.
They’re sharing a fag.
A cuddle, a kiss;
She’s on a break,
He’s never remiss:
His shift now over,
There’s work to be done
To keep his love loving,
And keep their love fun.
They work on the run
To scratch up a living,
So much to be done
Before their day’s over:
A cuddle, a kiss
To keep them awake,
Then a breathful of bliss
In sharing a fag.
© wilf jones 2014