Home page image

 NEW or featured
  Coming soon selected pieces
  from The Twist Inside, and new
  Chronicle entries.
  And a blog entry - honest injun.

                    the heft and the edge                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     223030/11/2016 wkj fantasy







Where do we start?

This was not the planned home page illustration.

I found a fantastic photo of a black crested macaque.

The photographer declined to let me use it, even when
I queried paying for for the pleasure. Fair enough: it was his image.

He also wasn’t particularly keen on me sketching the image. Maybe this was more a matter of


taste than any concern over rights. Hey ho. I decided to start again.

I still wanted a baboon - felt a certain affinity - but by now I’d had it with the expression that so enthralled me in the first place. It had to go - it has gone. I have the sneaky feeling I’ve now made this fantasy macaque look more than a little bit like me. This is what you get when you ‘paint’ without an external point of reference.

Anyhow, I have new plan. As you can see, the legend on the home page reads: “work in progress”. Over the coming months and years I will add more to this sketch. Occasionally I’ll scrub most of it and start again. I’ll even open the sketch to external influence - you’ll definitely do better than I can.  Send me your own versions, your alterations, your manipulations. I won’t mind at all if you want to play around with the image - just express yourself!  Use your imagination!  I look forward to a goth macaque, a spaceman macaque, a pirate macaque, an absent macaque. I wonder what may eventually turn up on the horizon, in the foreground, or sitting in the top of the tree. Whatever you like.

I’ll keep an ongoing record of what has been done with this original heap of pixels. Generally I prefer to work in terms of common sense and decency and good will. Rest assured I will not sell, or attempt to sell, anything that comes in to me and I will certainly not ever claim any rights over what you produce. If you take these pixels and move them around significantly then, as far as I’m concerned, the resulting image is yours. So make sure you include your contact details just in case someone out there wants to buy your stuff.

Together, hopefully, we can all have some fun with this.

One rider - I will not publish on this site anything I know to be infringing copyright laws. I would ask you not to submit such material. If any visitor finds something here that does infringe their copyright, they need only contact me and I will delete the offending material. I trust it will never come to that.

But forget the negative dross: let’s see what we can create!





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